Lavender Hydrosol is produced during the steam distillation of essential lavender oil. Also known as floral water, it is an ideal means of bringing the all-natural antiseptic, cleansing, oil solvent and insect repellent properties of lavender essential oil to a wide range of household, workspace, therapeutic, pet, plant, automobile, boat and other care applications.
Such as..
- Rinsing, cleaning, and promoting rapid healing of skin abrasions and cuts
- Soothing itching skin associated with sun or wind burn, eczema, dryness and aging
- Washing fruit and vegetables (safe to spray on or near food)
- Cleaning and disinfecting all hard surfaces
- As a natural solvent for removal of oily substances from kitchen counters, bathroom and other hard surfaces
- Non-streaking no-residue cleaning of windows, glass, mirrors, fine jewelry and digital screens
- Discouraging common household insects
- treating "hot spots" on pet skin
The cost includes all special shipping and handling fees in effort for the item to arrive pristinely.